Posted on Monday, December 19, 2016 at 1:34 pm CST
Cristina Campbell is proud to announce the creation and launch of her new website venture, The website offers pure essential oils for transformative healing, including Young Living essential oils, wellness home business opportunities, and valuable information on the life-enhancing and health transforming power of essential oils. Campbell was inspired to start the website after discovering the healing power of essential oils first-hand. She was 46 years old and very sick, filling herself up with prescription drugs. She was intrigued after praying and discovering a website about Young Living essential oils. The seller told her to not buy too much until she knows it works, so she bought a small starter kit and one additional Young Living product called Mineral Essence to help with her restless leg syndrome caused by mineral deficiencies. The oils supported her body, assisting it to overcome her migraines and continued to help her with other health issues as she started her journey with renewed health and energy. She now shares the power of these oils through her online store, so others can get the products that they would need to ensure they can have the vibrant health they deserve.