Solis and Associates Launches Website Featuring Authentic "Do the Dance" Hot Salsa

LogoSharyle Solis is proud to announce the creation and launch of the new website venture, The website offers an authentic "Do The Dance" hot salsa, a unique sauce that is not chunky but very smooth, about which everyone who has tried it says there is nothing out there like it. Solis' salsa business grew out of the overwhelming demand for their homemade salsa. She grew up in and out of the US and Baja California and has a long history of making the salsa with her husband for family and friends. People would always rage about the salsa, and asked for her and her husband to send their salsa to them when they moved away. After being overwhelmed by the demand of shipping their homemade salsa, the Solises accepted people's request to buy the salsa from them. When the Solis family moved to Colorado, they were able to eventually launch the salsa as a cottage industry product of Colorado. They later started making small batches of the salsa in a commercial condo, selling it to local restaurants and stores throughout Colorado. They now make large batches in Denver, as Sharyle continues the salsa legend after her husband Frank known as "Papa Solis," who was the driving force in production, passed away earlier this year.