Posted on Monday, January 12, 2015 at 9:58 am CST
Paper pellets make great projectiles- just ask any kid. On 30th January, PaperShooters™ launches their highly innovative build-it-yourself cardboard blaster! They blast 100% biodegradable 'soft splat' ammo, which hit and stick to targets up to 75 feet away. The shooters are more accurate than other blasters, and unlike foam darts, you don't need to retrieve your ammo afterwards. You make it yourself, in seconds, using ordinary paper! They feature awesome interchangeable camo's which you can design yourself, real triggers, and ejecting shells. Fully customizable blasters to keep modders happy too. Using ultra safe paper ammo PaperShooters™ is much more child friendly than Airsoft or Paintball but more realistic than Nerf. PaperShooters™ kits are suitable for all ages 8+. The product is designed to get online gamers back into reality and outdoors with other players, PaperShooters™ are celebrating two milestones in the journey to launch their innovative paper shooting cardboard assault rifle. The company is opening their website and the first production run is underway. will commence pre-orders for the 'gunsmith experience' on January 30th. To start with a bang, pardon the pun, they will run a ten day countdown beginning on January 20th. Participants of the countdown have the chance to win free merchandise and one lucky PaperShooters™ fan will win up to $10,000!
Source: PaperShooters™ Limited