Payment Savvy LLC

Payment Savvy Saves Hundreds of High Volume Online Merchants After Widespread Shut Down

Last month hundreds of high volume merchants were rejected by their merchant provider for overloading the payment system and exceeding the permitted limit on transactions, leaving them without a means to process payments and potentially liable to lose thousands of dollars a day. In many cases, those who lost their original provider found Payment Savvy, a new way of processing online payments that promises to be fast, convenient and free to the merchant.

Payment Savvy Web-Based Solution Saves Businesses Money on High Volume Payment Processing

The modern world is undergoing a constant revolution in how it thinks and behaves in response to the incredible power of the internet which is transforming the lives of those living in the developed world. The most significant development is that of online shopping, which is seeing more and more businesses pressured into offering online payment. The disadvantage is that for small businesses, the cost of offering such a system can outweigh the benefits, slowing their growth. Payment Savvy is filling this void with their free payment processing system, which promises to make online payment an accessible process for all.