Pistone Hair Restoration

Scalp Micropigmentation Available at Pistone Hair Restoration

No matter the severity of hair loss that a patient suffers, the appearance of thinning hair or aged-looking hairlines can be a significant blow to self-esteem. From fading hairlines to thinning hair to complete balding, the emotional toll of hair loss can be serious. However, Pistone Hair Restoration, a hair transplant clinic in NJ, offers several affordable solutions to restore the appearance of full, youthful hair, including alternatives to surgery. One such non-surgical option is scalp micropigmentation, which can also be used to supplement hair loss surgery.

Laser Cap Therapy Available at Pistone Hair Restoration

Pistone Hair Restoration of Marlton, NJ, has earned an excellent reputation for surgical hair transplant procedures like NeoGraft in Philadelphia. However, some individuals dealing with hair loss may not be ready for surgery, whether they'd like to explore other options or their thinning hair is not yet severe enough to warrant surgery. Pistone Hair Restoration offers comprehensive solutions in the form of non-surgical hair treatments. One such non-surgical treatment that they offer is laser cap therapy, an exciting new breakthrough in the field of hair replacement for women and men in New Jersey.

Pistone Hair Restoration Offers Multiple Hair Transplant Procedures

Hair restoration is not a one-size-fits-all process. Individuals at varying progressions of hair loss require different types of treatment. The best treatment is also determined by other factors that a patient and doctor must discuss before deciding on a procedure. At Pistone Hair Restoration, a hair transplant facility near Philadelphia, Dr. Pistone and his team offer a wealth of options for patients so that they receive the right procedure and best results.

Pistone Hair Restoration Now Accepting Patients for NeoGraft Transplant

Dr. Gregory Pistone and his team at Pistone Hair Restoration have gained widespread media attention for their cutting-edge hair restoration solutions in the New Jersey and Philadelphia areas. Part of their reputation as the best hair transplant facility in NJ is their use of innovative new technologies, such as the NeoGraft system of follicular unit extraction. Pistone Hair Restoration is currently accepting new patients for NeoGraft hair transplant procedures in Philadelphia and New Jersey.

Pistone Hair Restoration Offers PRP Therapy for Male and Female Pattern Baldness

Dr. Gregory Pistone, and the rest of his team at Pistone Hair Restoration, offer a multi-modal range of surgical and non-surgical solutions (such as Neograft hair transplant in the Philadelphia area) for patients who are experiencing varying degrees of hair loss. Men and women who are not yet entirely bald, but are experiencing androgenic alopecia (thinning hair) and want to treat their condition without surgery, can come to Pistone Hair Restoration for standalone treatment with platelet-rich plasma (PRP).

Pistone Hair Restoration Offers Neograft in New Jersey

One of the most recent milestones in hair restoration technology is the technique of follicular unit extraction (FUE), which allows for more precise hair transplantation results and quicker recovery time. Neograft, a FUE procedure, has been gaining in popularity among patients interested in hair restoration. To meet the demand for this innovative technique, Pistone Hair Restoration is now available to perform Neograft hair transplant procedures in its NJ facility.

Pistone Hair Restoration Offers Follicular Unit Extraction

Male pattern baldness can cause problems for men as young as twenty, and by age fifty, fifty percent of men experience hair loss. This genetic condition, which causes receding hairlines and loss of hair, leads many men to feel frustrated with their appearance and suffer a lack of confidence as well as other social problems. However, a permanent solution is available for this problem. To help balding men regain their youthful appearance, Pistone Hair Restoration offers follicular unit extraction.

Pistone Hair Restoration Offers Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy for Hair Loss

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy is an emerging technology that may be an effective alternative to surgical hair restoration. For two decades, PRP has been safely used in orthopedics, sports medicine, cosmetic medicine and other disciplines with successful results. Now, Pistone Hair Restoration offers it as a promising method to treat hair loss.