Posted on Monday, March 16, 2015 at 11:28 am CDT
Recently released statistics indicate 40 percent of Canadian homeowner's insurance claims are prompted by water damage with Ontario experiencing the nation's second highest uptick in such claims at 136 percent over the last 10 years. With springtime approaching, heavy showers and melting snow promise to add to these totals just as the number of service calls elicited by frozen pipes begins to taper. In light of this development, Ben Flagg of Plumber Toronto has launched the company's latest loss-reducing tips for area home and business owners.
Source: Plumber Toronto
Posted on Monday, September 08, 2014 at 10:14 am CDT
Plumber Toronto today announced its emergency plumbing service that covers the entire Greater Toronto Area and allows consumers to obtain help with water or pipe problems at all times of the day and night. This will help people prevent thousands of dollars' worth of damage from problems ranging from burst pipes to backed-up sewer lines. Since there'll be no need to wait until morning, it will also prevent the inconvenience of having to turn off all of the water in a house or building for extended periods.
Source: Plumber Toronto