
Teacher Salary Changes in 2010

The teaching profession attracts passionate people who make a difference in the way students learn. Last year it was estimated that 63 percent of states budgets were spent on public education and teacher salary. Teachers are vastly important in society. By realizing the enormous impact teachers have on molding the future Bill Gates’, or even presidents, does this change how one should value the teaching profession?

PowerLearning21 Finds News Ways to Improve Organization and Time Management

One of the toughest things about teaching can be putting together lesson plans and staying organized. In the spirit of stay at the forefront of teacher technology, PowerLearning21 has done extensive research to find the top iPad apps for teachers and used by teachers. You can go beyond surfing the Internet these days. The iPad is especially helpful for many teachers. Here are 20 iPad apps for teachers.

PowerLearning21.com Rolls out Bold Plans for 2010

During the final week of February, the Board of Directors for www.PowerLearning21.com met in Pittsburgh, Pa. to discuss plans for the future of the paid video content site. The meeting came after the site’s redesign in the final week of 2009.