Predator Guard LLC

Natural Animal Repellent Offers Homeowners and Gardeners a Green Solution

LogoRetailers in the home-and-garden and farm markets are between a rock and a hard place these days when it comes to their customers' pest animal problems. Pest animals and rodents are constantly taking up residence in gardens and homes, but homeowners are rejecting traditional animal repellent products that contain toxic ingredients. Retailers need to stock effective solutions, but also provide for the growing request for natural repellent products.

Ultrasonic Animal Repeller Protects Gardens and Yards from Pest Animals

LogoIf there's one topic that's gets gardeners and home owners going it's the uninvited pest animals or wildlife that invade their garden or property. Predator Guard, a specialist animal repellent device manufacturer, has just released the PestAway ultrasonic animal repeller that deters raccoons from rummaging through garbage, dogs and cats from abusing yards and deer from ravaging grounds and gardens. PestAway can protect yards, gardens, porches and property from cats, dogs, deer, raccoons, squirrel, rabbits and skunks.

Latest Predator Deterrent Relies on Wild Animals' Instinctual Fears to Protect Livestock and Gardens

LogoPredator Guard, an innovative, humane predator control company, has rolled out the Predator Guard Solar LED Deterrent Light. Quickly establishing itself as a unique non-lethal predator deterrent, the device is designed to protect livestock and gardens from a wide range of predators including owls and hawks, deer, coyotes, wolves, and even raccoons.

Bird Repellent Tape Keeps Nuisance Animals Away from Gardens and Property

LogoKeeping birds and daytime predators away from crops is a constant battle, especially for farmers and gardeners trying to avoid crop damage and pollution. Predator Guard Scare Tape is a safe, non-toxic bird repellent that does no harm to animals, acting effectively as a visual deterrent.

Electronic Predator Deterrent Devices Are Saving Snow Leopards

LogoOnly 4,500-7,500 snow leopards remain in the wild of central Asia. Living in the rugged, forbidding mountains, these endangered, elusive cats continue to be threatened by the humans sharing their land. Conflicts with traditional livestock herders have escalated sharply in recent years, resulting in retaliatory killing of snow leopards. From the Himalayas north to Siberia, herders are especially angered by surplus killing that occurs when a snow leopard enters a corral and kills up to 50 or more of the confined sheep and goats. In a very real sense, such livestock represent each family’s primary “bank account.”

Predator Guard Offers Solar Powered Predator Deterrent Lights

LogoThere's nothing more disturbing than seeing fresh gardens or valuable livestock being obliterated by wild animals or night predators.

Predator Guard Deterrent Protects Gardens and Livestock from Nightly Predator Attacks

LogoFarmers and gardeners can now have a peace of mind knowing that their hard work and investments will be protected against night predators when using a Predator Guard solar-powered predator control light. This product is an affordable and maintenance-free device that scares away night predators that damage gardens and livestock.

Predator Guard Keeps Nocturnal Predators Away from Gardens and Bird Feeders

LogoThe most common nocturnal animals that are likely to attack bird feeders at night are raccoon and bear. It is strongly advised that homeowners not put out bird seed or bird feeders if bears are in the area. Bears in people’s gardens seeking out bird seed is to be discouraged at all costs. The replacement cost of smashed bird feeders is expensive! If raccoons are a problem, it is recommended that people take feeders in at night when these animals are most active.

Predator Guard Launches Deer Deterrent for Homesteaders and Gardeners

LogoEven though they are graceful and beautiful to look at, deer can become aggravating pests when they discover your yard and claim it as a feeding ground. As uncontrolled housing development has intruded on their traditional grazing land, deer are being left with fewer options for foraging. But this does not mean you should welcome them for a nightly meal in your garden.

Predator Guard Electronic Deer Deterrent Protects Gardens from Nightly Destruction

LogoAccording to the United States National Parks Service, the deer population in the US causes 1 billion dollars annual damage to domestic plants and agriculture. These costs are incurred by professional crop growers, home gardeners, landscapers and farmers. There is nothing more aggravating than having the results of one’s hard work become nightly fodder for foraging animals.