Researchmoz Global Pvt. Ltd.

Glass Industry in India Forecast and Research Share 2014

LogoNetscribes latest market research report titled Glass Market in India 2014 analyses how the glass industry in India is growing due to the dynamic effects of the real estate sector as well as the automotive sector. The glass industry can be divided into the following segments container glass, flat glass and other types of glasses. Container glass has a higher market share compared to flat glass and other types of glass due to the high demand from the packaging sector. The flat glass market faces maximum demand from the construction sector. The glass manufacturers in India of laminated glass and solar glass are also witnessing a steady growth.

Ceramic Tiles Market Analysis and Forecast in India 2014 by ResearchMoz

LogoNetscribes latest market research report titled Ceramic Tiles Market in India 2014 tracks the long and rich history of ceramic tiles production, the modern manufacturing process of various types of tiles and the dynamic global ceramic tiles market. In this space, cost considerations have shifted manufacturing from Europe to Asia and China has become the largest producer, consumer and exporter in spite of not hosting the top three ceramic tiles manufacturers of the world. The report also notes the expanding production and consumption patterns of ceramic tiles in India, which is now the third largest producer in the world. Although India produces around 6% of the worlds ceramic tiles, heavy domestic consumption has limited export volumes to very limited levels. However, this is expected to change soon, with the country expected to produce 15% surplus ceramic tiles in year 2029.

Beer Market Insights Caribbean Trend, Size, Share, Growth and Research Report

LogoThe Beer Market Insight Caribbean report contains detailed brand, distribution and packaging data and analysis across the Caribbean beer market for 2013. Brand and packaging volume data is available whilst value data is also available for distribution data. Text analysis reveals the drivers behind the data.

2014 Russia Construction Machinery Market Share, Trend, Development Forecasts 2014-2019

LogoInfrastructure projects spur growth in the Russian construction sector.

The Taiwanese IP Camera Industry:3Q 2014 - Market Size,Share

LogoThis research report presents shipment volume and value forecast and recent quarter review of shipment volume, value, ASP, manufacturer volume and value rankings, shipment by resolution, production location, and shipment destination, and business type.

The Chinese Smartphone Industry:2Q 2014 - Market Size,Share

LogoThis report presents a recent review of the Chinese smartphone industry in the second quarter of 2014. The report includes shipment volume of major smartphone branded vendors in China, breakdowns of each vendor's shipment volume share by chipset maker, application processor model, ASP, panel size, camera pixel, resolution, as well as 3G and 4G technologies.

2014 India Cardiac Pacemaker Market Growth and Forecast

LogoNetscribes latest market research report titled Cardiac Pacemaker Market in India 2014 analyses how the market for medical devices is gaining prominence within the healthcare sector in India and how cardiac devices has become an indispensable part of this sector. With a large number of people in India suffering from heart problems, and an even larger portion of the population being comprised of an elderly population that is susceptible to heart-related ailments, demand for devices such as cardiac pacemakers is expected to grow steadily. This in turn will aid in the growth of the market for pacemakers. With prices now being affordable and a large number of insurance schemes and payment schemes being available to patients, there is likely to be a healthier conversion of potential consumers to actual buyers.

Worldwide Large Area TFT-LCD Panel Supply-and-Demand Forecast, 2Q 2014 - Market Size, Share

LogoThis research report presents demand and supply volume forecast and recent quarter review of the worldwide large-area TFT-LCD panel industry covering Taiwanese, Korean, Japanese, and Chinese panel makers' production capacity.

External Defibrillator Industry Size and Share in India 2014

LogoNetscribes latest market research report titled External Defibrillator Market in India 2014 states that the demand for external defibrillators is rising in the country due to a number of reasons. Cardiovascular and other lifestyle diseases plaguing a large number of Indians has resulted in a strong case for the growth of healthcare institutions. The number of hospitals and emergency and trauma care centers being set up in the country has been increasing and this in turn is leading to a rise in the demand for defibrillators as these equipments are indispensable to any healthcare institution. Biphasic defibrillators are replacing the monophasic models in most centers and is hence growing at the cost of the latter. However, monophasic defibrillators are still experiencing some demand, especially in rural settings. On the other hand, the portability of automated external defibrillators along with its increased usage in public places such as railway stations, airports, shopping malls, etc. has ensured that this segment is exhibiting the highest growth.

Public Hospitals Market in Poland 2014 Trend, Share and Research Report

LogoWhat are the plans for investment in Poland’s public hospitals market? Report provides comparative analysis by voivodship and growth prospects in coming years.