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Latest Release: Coronary Stents Market Growth in India 2014

LogoNetscribes latest market research report titled Coronary Stents Market in India 2014 states that manufacturers of coronary stents are experiencing high demand for their products due to a number of reasons. With cardiovascular diseases becoming a common occurrence amongst Indians and the healthcare infrastructure in the country rapidly improving, the number of angioplasty procedures being carried out in the country has increased significantly. Advancements in technology has resulted in patients being more receptive towards stent implants. The products available in the market can be divided into two types those manufactured by MNCs and commanding high prices, and those manufactured by domestic companies and generally having lower prices. The general perception is that stents manufactured by MNCs are superior in terms of quality and efficacy whereas those manufactured by domestic companies fail to attain similar high quality. As a result, the MNCs serve majority of the market with almost all the big hospitals in tier I cities preferring to implant stents manufactured by foreign companies.

Worldwide MEMS Market Development and Applications - Market Trends and Forecast

LogoBenefited by the introduction of MEMS (Micro Electromechanical Systems) onto consumer electronic devices like smartphones and tablets, the worldwide MEMS market has entered the high growth phase.

Software Testing Industry Share, Trend, Size, Growth and Analysis in India 2014

LogoThe new report, Software Testing Market in India, states that over the years, India has become the worlds preferred outsourcing destination for software testing services because of its talented workforce and comparatively lower costs. Although other countries such as China and the Philippines are also providing services at a lower cost, India remains the preferred country of choice for most of the US and UK based companies mainly because of its skilled workforce and operational efficiencies. The United States is the key market for the big Indian software testing vendors, followed by Europe and the Middle East.

ResearchMoz: OTC Drug Market Growth and Research Share in India 2014

LogoNetscribes latest market research report titled OTC Drug Market in India 2014 highlights the analysis of the drivers and explains the factors for growth of the industry. Increasing self-medicated patient population, growing confidence in OTC drugs, and change of prescription drugs to OTC drugs are the key drivers of this market. The various segments of OTC drugs such as Vitamins & Minerals, Gastrointestinal, and Cough Cold & Allergy etc. are the major reasons for the popularity of the OTC drug market.

Wind Energy Market Size, Trend, Share and Growth in China 2014

LogoNetscribes latest market research report titled Wind Energy Market in China 2014 analyses how the renewable energy sector is gaining importance in China and how wind energy has become an indispensable part of this sector. With the gap in demand and supply of energy increasing at a steady pace, it has become necessary to look beyond conventional sources for generating energy. This has led to a shift in focus from thermal power plants to renewable sources of energy. With wind energy related equipment being the easiest and least expensive to set up among the various types of renewable energy, the latter has emerged as the fastest growing segment. Mandate of reduced carbon footprint under the 12th FYP to act as a major growth driver for the wind energy market. However, Weak grid connectivity to have an adverse impact on the Chinese wind energy market.

Broadband Internet Industry Research and Analysis in India 2014

LogoNetscribes latest market research report titled Broadband Internet in India 2014 illuminates the dynamics in the domestic broadband market. India houses a huge population and a significant portion of that population use internet for entertainment and productivity. Entertainment usage largely consists of social networking, web media access such as music and videos, online games, downloading via file sharing sites, and peer-to-peer (P2P) and communication. On the other hand productivity usage includes data mining, cloud computing services, Voice-over-IP (VoIP), video conferencing, enterprise mobility to name few. With growing heavy and feature rich web-based activities, dial-up and equivalent internet services are becoming obsolete and the need for broadband internet is rising immensely.

ResearchMoz : Solar Energy Size and Share in China 2014

LogoNetscribes latest market research report titled Solar Energy in China 2014 states that the market is expected to witness rapid growth owing to favorable policy environment in the country. With the country facing a continuous shortfall in the supply of conventional sources required to meet the increasing demand for energy in recent years, the focus is gradually shifting from conventional to renewable sources of energy. In order to reduce the current demand-supply gap for electricity within the country, the renewable energy sector has to be given higher importance. Solar subsidy programs adopted by the government are expected to foster growth in solar energy market in China. CO2 emission reduction mandate of 16%-17% by 2015, is acting as a major growth driver for the Chinese solar energy market. These factors will ensure that the market continues to exhibit steady future growth. However excess production leading to decline in module prices to act as a major challenge to the solar energy market in China. Additionally, insufficient states of Power Grid act as a greatest hindrance to the development.

Machine Tools Industry Analysis and Growth in India 2014

LogoNetscribes latest market research report titled Machine Tools Market in India 2014 describes the dynamics of machine tools supply and demand in this country. In 2013, domestic production accounted for only one-third of the overall domestic consumption of machine tools in India. Demand is expected to grow steadily over the next few years and Indian players wish to increase market share of domestic production considerably during the same time period. With respect to import and export of machine tools, India plays a prominent role with some of its key partner nations being China, Japan and Germany.

VoIP Market Overview and Growth in India 2014

LogoNetscribes latest market research report titled VoIP Market in India 2014 illuminates the dynamics in the internet telephony market. Voice over Internet Protocol, popularly known as VoIP, initially witnessed adoption among enterprise users with the objective to reduce communication cost, especially for long distance calls and audio conferences. As smaller companies began to look for business from other countries, the need was no longer restricted among big enterprises. Average Internet speed in India rose to 1.3 Mbps from 1 Mbps in 2012. Advancement in the field of broadband internet service and increased adoption of smartphones, tablets, and PCs led to embracement of VoIP services amongst general consumers.

Market Analysis on Clinical Trials Industry Share in India 2014

LogoNetscribes latest market research report titled Clinical Trials Market in India 2014 analyses how India is a potential global hub for conducting clinical trials by Indian as well as global pharmaceutical companies. Clinical trials are conducted on humans to examine the efficacy and safety of new drugs, treatments, therapies and new medical devices before launching them in the market. It is a necessary and final step for the completion of the drug development process. The market is divided into four phases Phase I, Phase II, Phase III and Phase IV. Contract Research Organizations (CROs) are responsible for designing, monitoring, and managing clinical trials. The market is dominated by private players and foreign pharmaceutical companies.