Researchmoz Global Pvt. Ltd.

Latest Release: Cloud Computing Market Share and Growth in China 2014

LogoNetscribes latest market research report titled Cloud Computing Market in China 2014 captures the current scenario of the Cloud Computing Market in China. Government initiatives and investments coupled with major foreign players entering into strategic partnerships with the domestic vendor is propelling the market in China. Additionally, dramatic cost reduction along with increased speed and flexibility and widespread use of internet is helping the cloud industry to grow significantly. As the cloud market in China is still in the growth stage, major foreign players like IBM and Microsoft are aiming to capture a lions share of the market.

Security Equipment and Services Market Overview in India 2014

LogoNetscribes latest market research report titled Security Equipment and Services Market in India 2014 captures the current scenario of the Security Equipment and Services market in India. Government demands, initiatives and regulations coupled with the ongoing boom in real-estate sector is mainly propelling the market in India. Additionally, rising awareness levels about the security breaches happening across the nation is catalyzing the adoption of security equipment and services in India. The market can be segregated in terms of surveillance & monitoring equipment, access control equipment, IT security and private security services. The market for private security services has exhibited the fastest growth among the rest of the segments, followed by surveillance & monitoring and electronic access control equipment.

2014 India Water Purifier Industry Analysis and Research Report

LogoNetscribes latest market research report titled Water Purifier Market in India 2014 states that the domestic water purifier market is set to experience steady growth as people are becoming more aware of the utility of water purifiers in India. As initial consumer reactions and water purifier reviews have been largely positive, the adoption of the same will only improve over the years. Also, the market is largely under penetrated and manufacturers have ample opportunities to grow in this market. Various innovations and availability of products at various price points are helping the market to grow considerably. Demand for water purifiers is huge in the developing countries as government initiatives in such regions are not enough to provide clean drinking water. In India, the market size of water purifiers is huge and it is projected to increase even further.

New Release: Smartphone Industry Overview in China 2014

LogoNetscribes latest market research report titled Smartphone Market in China 2014 states that the rise in disposable income and falling price levels is propelling growth in the market. Smartphones also serve the purposes of computers to some extent. The user-friendly operating systems of the smartphones are increasing the popularity of the smartphones in general. Smartphone market in China would witness a steady growth in the coming years. The China smartphone market is over flowing with phones which uses android operating system. The Chinese government has come up with some government initiatives which would help the market to mature.

Animal Feed in India 2014 Market Share by ResearchMoz

LogoNetscribes latest market research report titled Animal Feed Market in India 2014 highlights the competitive market scenario of the Indian animal feed market and its growth prospects in the ensuing years. The Indian Animal Feed market is experiencing rising demand due to various driving factors which, in turn, have been instrumental in providing immense opportunities to manufacturers to grow and operate in the market lucratively. The report provides a snapshot of the market overview of the Animal Feed industry in India. It also highlights the global market scenario of the animal feed industry. The Indian animal feed market is classified into three broad segments poultry feed, cattle feed and aqua feed, wherein poultry feed enjoys more popularity in comparison to the others. The report also gives an insight into further segmentation of these sub-markets. Moreover, the animal feed market is dominated by a large number of unorganized manufacturers.

Animation Market Share and Research Analysis in India 2014

LogoNetscribes latest market research report titled Animation Market in India 2014 describes the dynamics of animation production in this country. In India, the domestic market consumes just one-third of the entire production of animation and related works. But demand from the animation companies in India is expected to grow steadily over the next few years, following the success of international releases such as Life of Pi, Avatar and others. Many of these films had significant contributions from Indian animation production houses, who delivered high-quality work on a very strict time schedule.

Television Industry in China 2014 Market Research Share

LogoNetscribes latest market research report titled Television Market in China 2014 states that the Chinese television market will witness a steady growth in the coming years. The Television market in China is almost saturated as most of the households own television sets already. The companies really needs to focus on new technologies to sustain themselves in the market. Growth in retail chain and extensive use of plastic money has favored the companies off late. Consumers can shop easily if they have internet at home. Government subsidies have encouraged both the companies and consumers. The television companies in China also face challenges due to changing lifestyles and rising labor costs.

Construction in the Philippines Industry Share 2018 and Research Forecast

LogoThis report provides detailed market analysis, information and insights into the Philippine construction industry including:

2014 Motors Market Share and Forecast in India

LogoThe new report, Motors Market in India, states that expansion in the Indian power sector will drive the demand for motors in the Indian market. The Indian motors industry is characterized by the presence of a diverse product range and is a highly fragmented market. Key hubs for the production of motors are concentrated in select regions of the country. Domestic demand for motors also varies across regions. Export-Import of motors in terms of volume and value varies across the different motors market segments. Some specific segments of the motors market are witnessing a decline in import dependence while others are primarily import dependent.