Riveer Makes Military-Grade Decon Systems Available for Municipal, Transit, Retail Complexes and School Facilities

LogoRiveer, world leader in wash racks and wash systems technology, today announced that it is making its military-grade decontamination (decon) LADS available for use by school districts, municipalities, public transportation and private industry in the fight against virus threats, such as COVID-19. The company's LADS, Large Area Decontamination System, is widely deployed by US military HAZMAT in quick response against the spread of pathogens.

Riveer Decon Systems for Biological, Chemical and Radiological Decontamination Proves Ideal for Widespread Contamination Such as COVID-19

LogoRiveer, world leader in wash racks and wash systems technology, manufactures a wide range of military-grade decon systems, many of which are valuable tools for municipalities, fire departments and HAZMAT teams in the quick response fight against the spread of pathogens such as COVID-19.