Safe Deposit Centre

The Safe Deposit Centre Announce New Discounts for Longer Memberships

It has recently been announced that orders made with the deposit box provider The Safe Deposit Centre before June 1st 2016 will receive an added discount if the buyer is part of a longer membership. This highlights the great potential advantages of opting for membership. These memberships build strong links of trust for the long-term between provider and purchaser; offering a positive example to other security providers.

The Only Grade 10 Vault in the North West Brings Added Security for Businesses

It is believed that more businesses will be considering deposit safe options, as going into a new year often involves a consideration of assets in the early months. Many businesses are now properly considering their acquirements from the Christmas period, obviously wanting to secure them in the best way possible. Keeping cash or the gold equivalent in storage rather than banks may be the preferred option of some, and making provisions for this have been The Safe Deposit Centre. They offer a wide variety of deposit safe services, with one of their most notable options being grade 10 vaults – a highly advanced system – therefore highlighting their continued commitment to the best business security going into 2016.