Sally Symonds

Sally Symonds Reveals - 50 Ways to Weight Loss Motivation

An incredible 96% of people who lose weight eventually regain it. Why? Because the weight loss industry thrives on failure. Everyone knows how to lose weight – eat better and exercise more – but all you lose on a diet or exercise plan is money. Thankfully, weight loss expert Sally Symonds has a solution: her latest book, 50 Ways to Weight-Loss Motivation, shows you how to achieve the right mindset to win your weight-loss war.

50+ Recipes to Lose 50+Kg . . . And Keep It off - $29.95

It’s time to ditch the diets and embrace good eating with fast, healthy filling meals that are easy-to-prepare – that’s the word from best-selling author, Sally Symonds. Sally is back with her second book, “50+ Recipes to Lose 50+kg . . . And Keep it Off” which officially launches today.

Sally Symonds Reveals - 50 Steps to Lose 50 Kg ... and Keep It Off

“The mind is really important – everyone knows what to do, they just don’t know how to stick to it. My book tells you what I did that enabled me to lose 53kg and keep it off.” Sally Symonds

From Couch Potato to Hot Chilli Woman: Bridging the Gap Between All or Nothing Weight Loss

When Sally Symonds began her weight loss journey in 2002, one of her first challenges was incorporating exercise into her life. Sally knew she wasn’t going to jump straight off the couch into an aerobics class – her exercise plan needed to be fun and achievable for the 106.5 kg Sally, not the 53 kg Sally she eventually became. By shaping her weight loss plan to her needs at each stage in the journey, she was able to morph from someone who hated exercise into a new fit version of herself.