
Happiest Country Announced in Revolutionary International Survey

Speaking at a recent press conference, Andy Shaw said: "The Danish people live by one nation-wide concept that the remainder of the world can only imagine. Their whole lives focus on the idea of 'Hygge', or in rough translation: 'Cosiness'. Think nights spent fireside, wrapped in warm clothing with even warmer company, or a night spent by yourself getting totally lost in an excellent book. That's Hygge, and that's what makes Denmark the happiest place on the planet."

System to Classify Decisions Announced by Personal Development Specialist

Andy Shaw's recently developed Saltori thinking system has been created specifically for the busy lifestyle that modern-day adults deal with. Delivered in little bite-sized written, audio and visual chapters, Shaw's personal help system assures to blend effortlessly into any way of life, and ensures a calm, favorable lifestyle for all users.

Structured Thinking Tipped to Reinvent Personal Development Niche

Andy Shaw, the creator of the hugely successful 'Saltori' self help series has actually recently released a cutting edge video, depicting how simple changes to an individual's thought patterns can create phenomenal outcomes. On the subject, Andy Shaw's personal representative, Peter Halm, said: "Throughout life, we are taught what to believe... But we are never taught how to think. We believe from a young age that we just have to acquire more and more knowledge, and that is directly correlative to ending up being more and more successful. But that's simply incorrect. Why should we wait around until that useless knowledge we invested years learning finally ends up being appropriate, when we can use our time more carefully to train our minds to comprehend why we believe, and truly get the most out of our capacity?"