Garners Thousands of Views Worldwide in Support of Saving the Legacy of Dr. Lester Sumrall

Gathering the attention of devoted followers worldwide, has reached a milestone. Live for a few short months, the platform boasts over 41k page views from concerned supporters calling for the preservation of Dr. Lester Sumrall's body of work. Known to Christians worldwide as a symbol of integrity, compassion, and grit, Dr. Lester Sumrall left an unmatched legacy. A legacy, some say now, is in jeopardy at the hands of impropriety. This is stated on the informative website founded by the deceased minister's grandson and namesake, Lester Sumrall. With allegations of fraud and financial elder abuse by board members, as well as the blatant atheistic writings of the ministry's current CEO, the website calls for full accountability and transparency. Under particular scrutiny, and the focus of a pending lawsuit is the ministry's board of directors past and present. These directors include former CEO, Pete Sumrall, its current leader Drew Sumrall, and David Ernest Sumrall, Pastor of Cathedral of Praise in Manila, Philippines.

Worldwide Outcry Launches and Bolsters Efforts to Protect Dr. Lester Sumrall's Work

Known to Christians worldwide as a symbol of integrity, compassion, and grit, Dr. Lester Sumrall left an unmatched legacy. A legacy, some say now, is in a tailspin at the hands of impropriety. A newly launched website, founded by the deceased minister's grandson and namesake, Lester Sumrall has experienced consistent daily traffic. Online for less than a month the site has had over 20,000 page views from concerned donors and volunteers calling for the organization's preservation. With allegations of fraud and financial elder abuse by board members, as well as the blatant non-biblical beliefs of the ministry's current leadership, the website calls for full accountability and transparency. Under particular scrutiny, and the focus of a pending lawsuit is the ministry's board of directors from 2005 to the present. These directors include former CEO, Pete Sumrall, his son, its current leader Drew Sumrall, and David Ernest Sumrall, Pastor of Cathedral of Praise in Manila, Philippines.