Posted on Wednesday, October 21, 2015 at 1:40 pm CDT
Dental health is paramount, but something that those in prosperous countries can often take for granted. America leads the world in dental advances, meaning people rarely think about abscesses and potential infections that in less fortunate countries could be damaging and even deadly. Shalimar Dentistry is an industry-leading health and cosmetic family dentistry practice, and has recently committed to helping those in need not just at home but abroad through a series of charitable events and donations.
Source: Shalimar Family Dentistry
Posted on Friday, March 20, 2015 at 11:45 am CDT
A smile is a powerful thing. It can help people feel more confident, more accepted, and it can make someone feel better when they're down. Now, the power of a smile can even help sick children recover from illness. Tempe Cosmetic Dentist Shalimar Family Dentistry is participating in the Smiles for Life campaign this year, which aims to raise funds for Hope Arising. The drive has so far generated $33 million dollars since 1998 for hundreds of charities, and Shalimar Family Dentistry hopes to use the power of smiles to get children healthy again.
Source: Shalimar Family Dentistry