Posted on Friday, August 22, 2014 at 10:16 am CDT
In today's media it's become apparent, meditation, an ancient Eastern practice, has once again become new. From bestsellers on the New York Times book list addressing this subject to Oprah's extended classes with spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle, it's obvious meditation along with other spiritual practices have gained a new toe-hold in American society. Flourishing in the West, meditation and yoga especially, have certainly taken off with individuals literally weary from gadgets, time crunches and looming payments turning to a practice designed to reduce their stress levels.
Source: Silver Sky Imports
Posted on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 at 1:59 pm CDT
Reporting on Alternative Medicine, writer Cathy Wong reports on a 2008 study of the Swiss Journal “Research in Complementary Medicine.” Wong, a licensed naturopathic doctor and specialist certified by the American College of Nutrition describes how these alternative medical studies were performed. “In this particular study, people with back pain were given sessions of singing bowl therapy, a placeboor absolutely no formal treatment for their various conditions. At the conclusion of the study, their findings revealed patients given the singing bowl sessions and the placebo group experienced a significant decrease in the reported intensity of their pain. In addition, testers noted that participants of the therapeutic singing bowl group found that these sounds created a stress-reducing effect.” She adds, “Given its potential to encourage mind and body relaxation, using Tibetan singing bowls in combination with healing practices like meditation and deep breathing could have a beneficial effect for those seeking relief from pain.”
Source: Silver Sky Imports