Posted on Monday, March 31, 2014 at 1:28 pm CDT
S.T. Hudson Engineers, Inc. assists clients struggling to comply with revised safety regulations issued by the Department of Homeland Security concerning facility and vessel vapor control systems. Effective on August 15, 2013, the regulations explain requirements for new facilities wishing to become certified, along with requirements for existing facilities wishing to become recertified. The regulations also lay out new requirements for periodic operational reviews and more. "S.T. Hudson Engineers ( assists clients in making the necessary revisions while also helping new businesses become certified," Leslie Hudson, spokesperson for the company, declares.
Source: S.T. Hudson Engineers, Inc.
Posted on Wednesday, March 12, 2014 at 9:45 am CDT
The US Army Corp of Engineers is working towards the completion of the Delaware River Main Channel Deepening Project. They have determined that dredging needs to be performed on the existing forty foot Delaware River Navigation Channel. Extensive studies from the Army Corp found this deepening effort could bring the shipping channel from 40 feet to 45 feet and could be accomplished from Philadelphia Harbor in Pennsylvania to the Beckett Street Terminal in Camden, New Jersey. The Corp of Engineers is aiming for the project to be completed in the year 2017.
Source: S.T. Hudson Engineers, Inc.