Sunnyside Wellness and Chiropractic Center in Fresno, California has shared an informative look into the history of chiropractic medicine to help dispel some commonly held misconceptions and provide a clearer understanding of chiropractic for those considering treatment for the relief of pain symptoms and to improve overall wellness. Chiropractic care has been present in historical records for thousands of years. Ancient cultures have been treating the spine and joints via physical manipulation since at least 2700 BC, judging by ancient records unearthed in China and Greece. Writings from this time period discuss manipulation of the spinal column and lower extremities to ease symptomatic lower back pain. The Greek physician Hippocrates (460 to 357 BC), whose theories are considered to be the foundation texts for modern medicine, published a treatise concerning the benefits of manual manipulation, declaring to his students, “Get knowledge of the spine, for this is the requisite for many diseases.” Further indication of the ancient practice of chiropractic methods is present in records from Egyptian, Babylonian, Syrian, Japanese, Incan, Mayan and Native American civilizations.