Posted on Thursday, May 30, 2013 at 12:15 pm CDT
TILLC is blurring the line between fiction and reality and building a robust, futuristic focused, industry driven company on a fictional story platform. The basis for TILLC’s company platform is the 5 part Tellaerian book series. In the next 6 weeks TILLC will campaigning to sell over 4 million copies of The Tellaerians, Volume 1: The End of Peace. The profits from this effort will be used to fund TILLC’s industry focused growth and investment strategy. An on-line auction to sell the book and movie rights to the first volume in the 5 part Tellaerian book series is scheduled for July 9th. 100 Collectors’ copies of volume 1 will be auctioned off on Ebay starting June 1st. Book purchase and auction details are provided on the Tellaerian Industries website at
Source: Tellaerian Industries