Posted on Wednesday, July 31, 2013 at 11:11 am CDT
TSK Law Firm understands many Austinites have questions when it comes to what they should and should not do when they have been injured in an accident or hurt in an abusive or negligent situation. To help answer these questions, the law firm announces the release of a highly specialized YouTube channel designed to provide answers to these tough and pressing questions so citizens can feel comfortable, knowing they are taking the appropriate steps to protect their legal interests. "The channel focuses on frequently asked questions to ease the minds of those who are injured as they have many other matters to deal with, matters which are more important, such as recovering their health and recuperating from the injuries sustained," Misha Foster of Terry, Simon & Kelly, PLLC explains.
Source: Terry, Simon and Kelly, PLLC
Posted on Wednesday, July 17, 2013 at 11:27 am CDT
Statistics indicate more than 300,000 vehicle accidents involving injury take place each year in the state of Texas, at least 3,000 of which result in death. In light of these numbers, The Austin Personal Injury Lawyers of Terry, Simon and Kelly, PLLC,, have launched a free comprehensive e-book entitled "Car Accident Survival Guide: What You Need To Know To Get Maximum Compensation For Your Injuries" as a guide for Texas residents.
Source: Terry, Simon and Kelly, PLLC