The Norka Group

Insightful Interviews with Top Thought Leaders and Professionals Reveal Success Secrets for 21st Century Visionaries

Logo"Life in the 21st century is demanding to say the least. While we enjoy more technological advances now than at any other time in human history, we also face mind-boggling challenges that our grandparents wouldn't even have dreamed of, and deal with unique problems that didn't exist just 10 years ago" says Viki Winterton, Expert Insights Award-Winning Publisher.

Norka Parodi Attends Invitation-Only Event for Top Luxury Realtors and Is Awarded the 2015 Best Marketing Campaign for a Property

LogoNorka Parodi of Norka Group joined over 100 top real estate professionals serving the upscale residential market who converged the first week of October in San Juan, Puerto Rico for The Institute for Luxury Home Marketing's annual Leaders in Luxury (LIL) conference.

Powerful New Book Serves as an Invaluable Guide to Building a Life of Passion and Purpose

Logo— "Life in the 21st century is demanding to say the least. While we enjoy more technological advances now than at any other time in human history, we also face mind-boggling challenges that our grandparents wouldn't even have dreamed of, and deal with unique problems that didn't exist just 10 years ago." says Viki Winterton, Expert Insights Best-Selling Publisher.