Last week, both houses of the Ohio Legislature passed a controversial "Fetal Heartbeat Bill" that would ban abortion, without exception for rape and incest, 6 weeks into pregnancy -- often before many women even know that they are pregnant. The Satanic Temple (TST), a non-theistic religious community widely recognized for challenging attacks against Church/State separation, is already claiming exemption from the Bill should it be signed into law by Ohio Governor John Kasich. "To us, the heartbeat is irrelevant to the claim of personhood," TST spokesperson Lucien Greaves explains. "We do not advocate for a belief in the soul, therefore we feel that complex cerebral functions necessary for perception are what makes a person a person. The non-viable fetus (a fetus that cannot survive outside the woman's body) is, we feel, a part of the woman's own body, and it is her choice whether or not she continues the pregnancy."