Ticket Cleaners Law Firm

Ticket Cleaners Law Firm Celebrates 97% Success Rate in Traffic and DUI Defenses

The website Carinsurancecomparison.com is often asked questions from those who have been stopped by police for Driving Under The Influence or other serious moving violations. These drivers are desperately seeking to resume their driving activities, but cannot without car insurance as per the mandate of the State of California. Their experts state, “It depends upon where you received your DUI conviction. You may be liable for the offense for between three years up to your entire life. In California, a DUI conviction makes you a liability and you may be denied insurance by a wide range of companies.” They further explain the situation this way, “Even a minor DUI offense can place you in the category of high-risk driver. Whether this is for speeding or for causing an accident, you provide greater risk and therefore higher rates will be assigned to you.”