Universal Life Church Public Relations

Universal Life Church Minister, Dr. Alice Belcher to Be Honored at Gala Award Banquet

LogoPastors Unlimited of Milwaukee, Wisconsin recently announced that on April 6th, 2014 they plan to honor at the First Annual Gala Awards Banquet, the selected honoree, Reverend Dr. Alice L. Belcher OSM,an ordained minister with the Universal Life Church World Headquarters. Dr. Belcher was selected for her outstanding contributions within the Milwaukee community in general and for her passion and efforts in domestic and sexual assault prevention.

Universal Life Church Summons Bishop Tom Nyembo Mushinge to the USA from Solwezi, Zambia

LogoThe Universal Life Church World Headquarters continues its celebration of African American History Month here in February by announcing it has summoned Bishop Tom Nyembo Mushinge, OSM of Solwezi, Zambia Western Province, Africa to come to the USA. Bishop Tom has accepted the invitation and details are being worked out to bring Bishop Tom to the USA.

Universal Life Church Reinforces Its Support for African Americans and Its Stance Against Domestic Violence

LogoThe Universal Life Church World Headquarters, the largest faith based Universal Life Church in the world reinforced its commitment to the African American Community and its stance against Domestic Violence here in February which is African American History Month. In celebration and continuing support thereof the Universal Life Church announced that Dr B will be coming to Universal Life Church Radio in April. Dr B is Dr. Alice Belcher of Milwaukee, Wisconsin who also serves the community as an ordained minister for the Universal Life Church World Headquarters.

Changes in Texas Law with Wedding Officiants from the Universal Life Church

LogoThe Universal Life Church World Headquarters recently announced to its ministers and to those seeking to get married in Texas recent changes to Texas law regarding officiating weddings within Texas. With respect to ordained ministers, the state of Texas now requires officiants to be Faith Based ordained, in other words ordained Christian ministers, priests or Jewish rabbis. This eliminates many of these online ordinations, including other Universal Life Churches that just ordain anybody and not within the Christian or Jewish faith. Just because a County Clerk may let one of these officiants ordained by a non faith based church slip through this does not necessarily mean the marriage is valid. If the marriage is performed by a non Faith Based Minister, the marriage can be annulled.

LEED Certification Granted by the U.S. Green Building Council to Universal Life Church World Headquarters

LogoAs awareness of the importance of the preservation of the environment continues to grow the Universal Life Church World Headquarters home office went 100% "GREEN" benefiting the public, the occupants, the natural environment and the beautiful world created by God. Some of the the great features include:

Universal Life Church Reacts to Purdue University Shooting

LogoIn response to the Purdue University shooting, January 21st, 2014 the Universal Life Church, World Headquarters, Inc., a non-denominational world-wide Religious Organization based out of Florida, within hours of the shooting, mobilized a team led by the Most Reverend Bishop David Stembaugh.

Universal Life Church Supports Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

LogoThe Universal Life Church World Headquarters of Florida announced on Facebook Sunday it was joining together with other Christian Churches to support "Week of Prayer For Christian Unity." This Week of Prayer For Christian Unity has been a tradition within the Christian Faith since January of 1908. Christians celebrate the week of prayer from January 18th through January 25th.

National Enquirer Releases a Feature Article on Stevie Nicks and Universal Life Church

LogoThe Universal Life Church World Headquarters of Boca Raton, Florida recently made headlines in the National Enquirer in an article entitled: "Is it true what they're saying about Stevie Nicks?" According to the article "After Fleetwood Mac singer Stevie Nicks spent years denying she was a witch, she’s NOW a card-carrying minister!" The Reverend Michael J. Cauley, OSM, (Brother Michael), President and Presiding Bishop of the Universal Life Church World Headquarters confirmed the same on Facebook.

Announcing "ULC Leaders for Life" from the Universal Life Church

LogoThe Universal Life Church World Headquarters of Boca Raton, Florida recently introduced its "ULC Leaders For Life" program. Members thereof to be included within the Board of Bishops, expectations of each as follows; a Pastor of their own Church, a host on the Universal Life Church Radio Network and Leadership within their local community.

Upcoming Cultural Events Sponsored by the Universal Life Church

LogoThe Universal Life Church World Headquarters through their sister organization, Universal Life Church Christian Academy and Seminary offer earned degrees in Pastoral Care, Divinity, Biblical Studies and Theology. These courses are taught by Professors of Accredited Universities; Dr. Bart Erhman from the University of North Carolina and Princeton Theological Society, Dr. Amy Levine, Vanderbilt and Duke University, Dr. Phillip Cary of Eastern University and Yale University and Dr. William R. Cook of New York State and Cornell University.