Universal Life Church Public Relations

New Video Released by Daniel Bodhi Chapin of the Universal Life Church World Headquarters

LogoReverend Daniel Brooks "Bodhi" Chapin, an ordained minister with the Universal Life Church World Headquarters of Boca Raton, Florida has released his latest video in a series of videos and publications focused on his life calling of within Youth Ministry. In addition to his twenty plus year affiliation with the Universal Life Church and youth ministry, Chapin is extremely active with providing marriage counseling and wedding officiant services.

Universal Life Church Now Offers Gifts for Newly Ordained Ministers

LogoThe Universal Life Church World Headquarters has announced the release of eighteen (18) different gifts for newly ordained Universal Life Church Ministers. The Universal Life Church offers these exquisite, one of kind gifts to individuals specially chosen by God who have chosen a vocation available only to a select few.

FREE Vocation Guide from the Universal Life Church World Headquarters

LogoThe Universal Life Church World Headquarters of Florida announced the release of their 2014 Vision Vocation Discernment Guides. This 170+ page publication is available absolutely FREE upon request, a small donation to offset postage and handling is requested. The Universal Life Church requests you send only what you can afford. Vision Vocation Guide's are a publication of the National Religious Vocation Conference. Vision is the world's most famous Vocation Discernment Guide.

ULC Minister Reverend Courtney Fields Guiterrez a Big Hit on Radio

LogoReverend Courtney Fields Guiterrez is an ordained minister with the Universal Life Church World Headquarters of Florida. Reverend Courtney operates Save-A-Life Ministries based in Nixa, Missouri. Save-A-Life Ministries focuses their attention on helping unwed teenage pregnant girls, which includes one four unit facility that accommodates up to four Mom's and one child, with a second four unit facility coming soon. Reverend Courtney focuses her ministry on being a voice for women of ages, but has a keen interest with teen girls and helping them when others won't or abandon them.

City of Houston, Texas Certifies ULC Minister, Terry Duhon

LogoHouston, Texas resident and minister Reverend Terry Duhon, OSM, ordained through the Universal Life Church World Headquarters based in Florida was recently certified as a "Charitable Food Service Manager" by the City of Houston, Department of Health and Human Services and the Consumer Health Services Bureau.

Universal Life Church Unveils New Website

LogoThe Universal Life Church World Headquarters has been busy over the holidays, after many years of staying status quo the ULC unveiled a new website. One of their biggest objectives was to reflect their overall mission statement and how much more than just an ordination assembly line they are.

The Universal Life Church Wishes Everyone a Merry Christmas

LogoThe Universal Life Church World Headquarters, yesterday via Facebook, Google+ and Twitter issued a statement wishing everyone a Merry Christmas. The President and Presiding Bishop, Reverend Michael J. Cauley, OSM stated as follows: "Merry Christmas and Happy New Years from the Universal Life Church World Headquarters" and in addition released the Universal Life Church Newsletter and Bulletin From Sunday, December 22nd, 2013 which was more of an extended online Christmas Card including videos and pictures of Christmas being celebrated around the world.

The Universal Life Church Sends Birthday Greetings to Pope Francis

LogoThe Universal Life Church World Headquarters, yesterday sent birthday greetings to Pope Francis of the Roman Catholic Church. Pope Francis (Jorge Mario Bergoglio) was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina on December 17th 1936. Appointed Supreme Pontiff on March 13th, 2013 by the Roman Catholic College of Cardinals this was the Pope's 1st birthday as Pope Francis.

The Universal Life Church Buries a Time Capsule in Antakya Turkey

LogoThe Universal Life Church name was coined in 107 AD by St Ignatius of Antioch. St. Ignatius used the Greek World Katholikos when talking about the Life of Jesus and the Church. Katholikos is a Greek adjective meaning Universal in English today. The Roman Catholic Church corroborates such, and is why they still refer to themselves as the Universal Church or the Universal Life of Christ today. The US Patent and trademark office also corroborates these findings. Universal Life or Universal or Universal Life Church are very much revered within the Christian community and it all became to be with St Ignatius of Antioch, a converted pagan to Christianity, who rather than renounce his belief in Jesus Christ, he was put to death at the mercy of lions on display for all to see. St Ignatius of Antioch was not only a martyr for Christ, he was also considered the founder of the Universal Life Church name.

Now Legal in Canada - Universal Life Church Faith Based Ordination

LogoThe Universal Life Church World Headquarters announced that Canadian ULC faith based ordained ministers can now perform as a wedding officiant in Canada. In addition to ordination individuals must adhere to Canadian wedding laws pertaining to officiating weddings.