
Urographin Offers Its Software to Open DCM Files

Professionals who are in the field of medicines, in particular the doctors, medical students, and surgeons need to check various kinds of reports. The reports are usually theoretical as well as practical which are meant for specific use. It may even be related to laboratory experiments or test results. In order to facilitate this need of the professionals, Urographin has come up with a software which is capable of viewing the DCM files. The DCM files are used for storing as well as handling wider range of scans. With the help of DCM viewer one can even print the documents. The DCM viewer is also supported to be viewed on different operating systems. Using the Dicom viewer a user can make use of the advanced visual chromatographic transformation program which conforms human color sensation. They can also use it as a pacs viewer.

Urografin Presents Its Software for Opening DCM Files

The professionals involved in the field of medicine, particularly doctors, surgeons and medical students prepare various kinds of reports. These reports can be theoretical and practical based on the specific purpose. It might be related to the laboratory experiments or test results.