Vion Announces Revolution in Highway Transportation Sphere

LogoVion Company is intended to create a network of charging stations sufficient for electric trucks charging. In the long run constructing of more than 1 500 stations is planned covering the area of the whole North American continent.

The New Era in Heavy Cargos Delivering

LogoThe US cargo transportation market is mostly represented by trucks. More than 70% of cargos are being delivered by trucks and road trains equipped by diesel engines but since 2019 this market niche is expected to be filling by electro trucks. They have a wide range of advantages over diesel-powered vehicles. Vion creates favorable conditions for the market invasion by electric trucks.

Vion Moves Electric Cargo Transportation Forward

LogoVion project intends developing the highway transportation sphere in the North American continent constructing contemporary electric charging stations sufficient for trucks charging. The company plans covering all main US routes in the next two years.