Quopons is your local daily deal site on the best food, services, goods and events that offers you up to 90% off on “Really Great Deals” that you just can’t say no to, on everything from Sushi to Italian, Body Sculpting to Botox, Lasik, massages, theaters and sky diving…something for everyone and a way to get all of this for FREE to qualifying customers. We reach out to Merchants and create an unbeatable Deal that Consumers will really want and send out an email which only Features this One Deal to our subscribers. They can buy the Deal but in order for the Deal to “activate”, a minimum number of people need to buy the deal, thereby encouraging people to contact friends to buy the deal through social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter. Merchants love these deals because a lot of new, happy pre-paid customers visit their stores, usually with friends, creating a win-win for everyone. Merchants receive a fantastic advertising opportunity for new customers they were not able to reach with traditional advertising and our Subscribers get a Fantastic Deal to try a new place.