School Safety Network

School Safety Network assists schools everywhere in all matters concerning the National Response Framework, NIMS, and ICS; and, wherever and whenever possible, working with community partners on: (a) developing and implementing a school safety, readiness, and incident management plan, including emergency communications, that coordinates with any statewide or local emergency operation plans; (b) identifying safety teams and backups who are responsible for interacting with community partners and assuming key incident command positions; (c) identifying potential locations for various types of operational locations and support functions or facilities; (d) entering into memoranda of understanding (MOUs) with community partners specifying responsibilities for responding to incidents; (e) creating an all-hazard exercise program based on NIMS and conducting tabletop exercises and other exercises in collaboration with community partners from multiple disciplines and, if possible, multiple jurisdictions to practice and assess preparedness and communications interoperability with community partners; (f) to the extent possible, holding coordinated exercises among school employees and community partners; (g) holding orientation meetings to inform all parties about emergency operation plans and procedures; (h) conducting all-hazard drills, in addition to fire drills, to improve individual and student emergency procedures and to test communications interoperability; (i) conducting tabletop exercises to discuss and identify roles and responsibilities in different scenarios; (j) conducting written evaluations identifying and addressing lessons learned, and taking corrective actions in updating response plans and procedures; (k) making sure, at least every academic term, to inventory emergency equipment and test communications equipment and its interoperability with affected state and local agencies; (l) adopting written procedures for taking action and communicating with local law enforcement agencies, community emergency services, parents, students, and the media in the event of certain incidents; (m) key emergency school personnel, including but not limited to safety teams and backups, taking courses provided by FEMA to enhance capabilities in working with community partners in all-hazards emergencies to save lives and protect property; (n) working with community partners to update and revise all standard operating procedures, ensuring that all aspects of NIMS are incorporated, including but not limited to policies and principles, planning, procedures, training, response, exercises, equipment, evaluation, and corrective actions; (o) familiarizing school resource officers (SROs) with local, state, and national requirements; (p) tracking overall compliance with NIMS; and (q) developing a timeline and strategy for compliance with all SRF requirements, and strategically planning, scheduling, and conducting all activities with community partners.