
What is Seborrheic Keratosis? Seborrheic Keratosis is a benign growth of the skin. It does not pose any threat other than the unaesthetic appearance. They can be large and small, and they are usually present on the back and the face. When they first appear, they are round, and their colour does not differ from their skin colour. Over time, they become darker and crack. The person does not experience obvious discomfort, but itching appears in the affected areas in some cases. Symptoms: The main symptom of Seborrheic Keratosis is the appearance of a neoplasm on the skin. It appears like a wart with uneven edges. The colour of the neoplasm can range from yellow to dark brown. There are evenly and unevenly coloured tumours with dotted or cracked textures. They usually appear on the face and back and never appear on the palms and soles of feet. The main feature of Seborrheic Keratosis Treatment in Dubai & Abu Dhabi is its rapid growth. Although it does not progress into cancer, it is still necessary to contact a doctor.