
Painting From is a leading source of hand painted art reproductions. While other sources offer cheap canvas prints that are mass produced, Painting From offers fine art printing. All of the reproductions they offer are 100 percent hand painted. What's more is that such artworks are offered with free shipping. What Sets Painting From Apart? An original classic painting will cost a big sum and not everyone can afford it. On top of that, such paintings are impossible to take home as they are mostly stored in art museums. On the other hand, a lot of people are not impressed with most art reproductions simply because they lack attention to detail. And that is mainly due to the fact that they are machine printed and mass produced. And that is exactly what makes Painting From different. At $89, art enthusiasts can have a copy of The Scream. And it is not just one of those cheap reproductions that can be obtained elsewhere. Reproductions from Painting From are done by talented and professional artists. These works are not canvas, print or poster transfers. Artists at Painting From start with a blank canvas and use their senses to make the reproduction. Oil painting on canvas at a fraction of the cost is Painting From's specialty. Clients can also have their family photographs made into portrait painting. There are no minimum orders and no limits on what clients can request for. Images can be sent through the website along with the details of the oil painting, and it shall be done. Orders are typically completed in 7 to 10 business days. Upon completing the order, a tracking number will be sent through email. The free shipping may take 3 to 5 business days. For more details, interested parties can visit Painting From's official website.