Sourcio CJSC

SOURCIO CJSC ( is professional IT consulting company specialized in open source information technologies and offering a range of IT services and solutions targeted at maximizing the benefits and minimizing the deployment costs for Small & Midsize Enterprises (SME's). SOURCIO’s mission is to help organizations achieve low total cost of ownership and high return on investment by means of such cost-reduction techniques as offshore engineering and support, high availability application hosting, systems/network management and monitoring software and services, as well as standardized and packaged integrated solutions. SOURCIO’s full-fledged IT consulting staff will walk you through the process of turning from inefficient spreadsheets to flexible and cost-effective solutions that meet companies’ needs. SOURCIO provides horizontal industry solutions, including: Customer Relationship Management (CRM), eCommerce, Content Management Systems (CMS). SOURCIO has a free web-based network and server monitoring service (, which will soon have premium services for pay. SOURCIO is also specialized in vertical healthcare market (, offering Electronic Medical Records (EMR) and Management Information Services (MIS) for healthcare institutions and clinics. Among the main services of SOURCIO are: • Consulting • Hosting • Custom Development • Training • 24/7 Maintenance and Support • System integration SOURCIO's clients are small and midsize businesses, including apparel manufacturer, business consulting and training company, bank, insurance agency, healthcare providers and others. Among one of its clients is Lycos Europe, a pan-European Internet portal.