Cats Creation is a dedicated cat breeder company specialized in Chinchilla Teacup cats. Therefore, those looking for teacup Persian kittens for sale can find their cat of choice here, with a one click trip at All the kittens are healthy, very good looking Tea Cup kittens who will make the best of companions for anyone in love with the breed. Most teacup kittens are gorgeous white kittens, playful and stylish, ready to steal the heart of the most pretentious of customers. The Cats Creation Company makes sure to breed only the finest of specimens to keep the breed pure and clean and to come to the aid of its customers. The company is based in Florida and can offer the kittens throughout Continental USA. The company doesn’t breed a lot of cats, it being a small and dedicated breeder. This means that the conditions under which the kittens live until adoption are absolutely the greatest, receiving food, nurture and care as well as love. This will make it easier for your newly adopted cat to become part of your family fast and making the transition period as simple and as straightforward as possible. The package to be received upon adoption of a kitten will include, besides the teacup kitten a kitten kit, with a DVD of photos of high resolution, a soft blanket so the cat will travel as comfortable as possible as well as toys and treats for the road. If you’ve been looking for teacup kittens for sale now you’ve found the best retail, a dedicated small scale breeder who offers the best for the kittens up until adoption. Go online at and find out why so many people have fallen in love with this gorgeous breed. Your favorite companion kitten is eagerly waiting for you so don’t delay! INTEGRITY COMFORT SYSTEMS 1425 Katherine Road, Simi Valley, California 93063 805-404-5861