The Art of Living

The art of living is one of the most important skills to master in life. We are hitting the wall like never before. It feels like things are collapsing left and right and centre in politics, economics, relationships and health. A lot of people are starting to feel life doesn’t make sense, but this is because we don’t understand how to live. We have fallen into the trap of looking for security in super funds, real estate, or material goods, but what happens if that collapses? What is left? Who are we? I often ask my clients how much they remember from their 12 years at school? And most people take about 1 minute to sum it up. What they remember or mention might be their first kiss, or sex, friends and enemies rather than anything academic that they actually learned. People don’t remember complex maths combinations, they remember life experiences. What we don’t learn at school is the art of living, and this is the most important thing for happiness.