Thank you for checking out Thrifty Dolphin. We are an independent online accessories retailer built to offer you the highest quality and best prices on the hottest items across the internet. Serving customers is our number one priority. We take pride in satisfying every customer with the exact product they need at a great price. Here at Thrifty Dolphin, you are not just a customer; but a valued member of our community. That being said, we urge you to feel free to contact our wonderful customer service team with any inquiries. Thrifty Dolphin believes that great products do not always have to come with an expensive price tag. We scour markets across several industries to find you the best deals. Effortless availability is the name of our game. By focusing on customer needs, our team guarantees the best shopping experience on the web. Your purchase is a priority at Thrifty Dolphin. Come shop with us, and we will take care of the rest to ensure satisfaction!