Urijah Darragh Mason

Can you justify the money that will be spent on a cavity filling? Some people don’t understand why they need to spend money on the treatment when their tooth feels fine. If you aren’t in pain, why does the dentist need to do a tooth filling? When cavities are identified in the early stages, fillings can be used to stop the decay before it progresses. Preventive treatments offer the most effective way to preserve your natural tooth as much as possible. A cavity filling right now can help you avoid big dental treatments in the future, such as root canals or a tooth extraction. If you want a healthy smile, then prevention should be the focus of your dental care. A cavity filling can be a proactive way to manage your dental health and maintain as much of your natural tooth structure as possible. Removing a small portion of decay is essential for avoiding a deeper infection that could develop. Our team at Clock Tower Dentistry uses modern technology to ensure your comfort during your cavity filling appointment. The tooth is prepared by removing the damaged portion. Then composite materials are placed in the empty space and bonded to the tooth, creating a long-lasting restoration that supports that overall structure of your tooth.