“I do not have Hop Latent Viroid” is an all too common statement I hear from our customers. I then reply my usual reply, how do you know? It is a viroid (a virus without a protein coating) so you can not possibly see it. To which a customer will give a combination of different responses such as “never seen symptoms”, my plants are always “healthy”, or “I just know my plants”. My response is send us some plant samples and we will test it. After testing over 10,000 plants we have found Hop Latent Viroid (HpLVd) in over 20 states in the USA, more than 90% of growers have it, and it is costing them millions in crop loss! This is exactly why I Co-Founded Verne Bioanalytics as I wanted to bring the benefits of science to help growers. In particular, we are revolutionizing the cannabis/hemp industry with an easy-to-use, fast, administered with your own hands, high-quality plant genetic or pathogen testing kit: i-TestTM. Alternatively, plant material can be sent to us for testing through WE-TestTM or other labs can order our test kits. Verne's goal is to help the world’s smallest to the largest farmers with their risk, productivity, and bottom line. Reach out to info@vernebioanalytics.com for questions or setup an appointment.