Volunteer Pastilles, LLC

Our mission is to provide safe, environmentally friendly, and cost effective toll pastillation and repackaging services to our customers in a spirit of partnership and constant improvement. Pastilles provide a convenient, free flowing, relatively dust-free method of shipping and handling various chemical products. Our customers are chemical companies, including both small regional specialty chemical companies and large diversified international chemical companies. To those customers who have in-house pastillating capability, we provide overflow capacity, whereas to others, we provide their sole source of pastille finishing. We dominate the adhesives industry pastille tolling market and do business with the U.S.-based manufacturers of the raw materials that go into most adhesives on the market today, and we have recently entered the wax pastille tolling market. We also pastillate very specialized chemical products, and we have mixing capability for small batches. We’re always available for new opportunities to pastille and package to our customers’ needs!