Biztech2.0 delivers cutting-edge business technology information for decision makers in Indian businesses. In an age where technology is at the heart of business success, we empower business technology decision makers (IT Leaders) with the knowledge they need to navigate the treacherous waters of business technology--we help them buy, select, implement and leverage business technology that will power their business to greater profits and growth. Powered by an easy-to-use interface that's accessible both by content type and industry verticals; Biztech2.0 features incisive, crisp and business-centered content, offering business technology decision makers never-before-seen videos, in addition to News, Features, Interviews, Reviews, Case Studies, White Papers and more. Biztech2.0 is the widest-reach business technology media brand in India today. We leverage the immediacy of the Web, the power of the television medium and the interactivity of face-to-face events--both online and on-ground, all backed by a strong and experienced team of writers focused on Business Technology