On January 16, 2020, XLRI announced that the final XAT answer key 2020 will not be released. None of the objections raised was found to be valid by the exam authorities. The XAT 2020 answer key was released by XLRI, Jamshedpur on January 9, 2020. Candidates who appeared for XAT 2020 on January 5, 2020, can verify their individual answer keys from the official website. The question paper has also been released along with the XAT 2020 answer key. Both are available for download from the official website until the results are declared on 31 January 2020. The objection window to the official answer key was open till January 11, 2020 (23:55 hours). XAT result 2020 is expected to be declared by January 17-18, 2020.