
Do you know how certain smells cause nostalgic feelings? When my wife and I first met, I wasn't a coffee drinker at all. Things changed when every time I arrived at my mother in law's house, the captivating smell of roasted hazelnut coffee became a mainstay of our gatherings - all of us sitting around the kitchen table, telling stories, escaping the days worries and shutting off the noise of the world. Those are great memories. That experience lead me to create Quazaam's Hazelnut Coffee because we all need to take time and shut off the world and enjoy spending time with one another. My wife and I share a few hours a week, where we sip on fresh brewed cups of Quazaam's coffee, while we enjoy the moment and invest in the important things in life - each other. You can have that same experience! Order our fresh ground, or whole bean, Quazaam's Coffee, and start investing in quality time with loved ones. Trust me, you won't regret it.