Alison Zwers/Sanjay Sathe

" RiseSmart, the leader in next-generation outplacement solutions, is highlighted in a new white paper “New Models in Outplacement: Disruption Comes to HR” – a provocative perspective of the paradigm shift taking place in the industry that moves outplacement from the inefficient, expensive traditional models to an affordable, results-driven program. John Sumser, a leading HR blogger and analyst at HRxAnalysts, authored the white paper. “Traditional outplacement firms are being rapidly replaced by companies that upend the old paradigm and focus on delivering extremely tailored services to employees in transition,” said Sumser. “This ‘better, cheaper, faster’ approach offers a cleaner path to a new job.” Virtual models are the new leaders of the outplacement industry, according to HR technology blogger Jason Averbrook. “Being a disruptive innovator not only means looking for new ways to use existing technology, it means challenging your own perceptions and beliefs about how things are/should be accomplished.” According to Sumser ,“Vendors like RiseSmart, who are the leading suppliers of next-generation outplacement, are setting standards that will reframe the entire outplacement industry. While continuously proving that real value lies in rapidly moving employees in transition into their next job, they bring real accountability into an industry that has resisted it.” " RiseSmart offers outplacement & career transition solutions for a wide range of corporate clients. With its next—generation Outplacement service and expert