American Academy of CPR & First Aid, Inc

McKinney, TX - Those who are interested in getting their first aid certification or CPR recertification can now obtain their certificates online from the American Academy of CPR & First Aid, Inc. Taking online CPR courses is one of the easiest and the most convenient ways getting one’s CPR certification. American Academy of CPR & First Aid, Inc. offers free online CPR training courses and first aid training courses. After taking these free CPR training courses, users will be able to get their online CPR certification at the cheapest prices. All the CPR training courses offered by the American Academy of CPR & First Aid, Inc. are created by U.S board certified and licensed team of medical doctors. These online courses will help the students learn wide range of life saving skills and the latest first aid techniques. All the courses offered here follow the guidelines of National Accredited guidelines of ILCOR, ECC, AHA and OSHA closely. So users can confidently take these CPR courses and get valid CPR and First Aid certification. All the courses are offered free of cost and those who do not like to get their certificates but learn these life saving skills can make use of the online CPR and First Aid courses offered by the American Academy of CPR & First Aid, Inc. However, users may as well go one step further and get their certification as getting these certificates is no more an expensive affair. Users will be able to download their CPR certifications instantly after taking their test. CPR certificates can be downloaded and printed for as low as $14.99 after getting through the qualifying tests. These CPR certificates are valid for two years. Those who have already acquired their CPR certification can go for their CPR recertification easily and have their certification renewed. American Academy of CPR & First Aid, Inc makes it possible for the individuals to acquire their CPR certification right from their home without having to spend a lot of time commuting to these classes or without having to spend a lot of money to acquire their CPR certification. To know more about these online CPR training courses and online CPR certifications please visit S J Gowani is author of this article on Online CPR Certification. Find more information about CPR Recertification and First Aid Certification