Hitasoft Technologies

Offer with Ripe FLV Player 1.2: There are more than 1000 websites running successfully with Ripe FLV Player 1.2 and significantly increased the number visitors by bringing them a very professional look and feel with the next generation web flv video player. Not only for the visitors but also for the web administrators ripe FLV Player helped them to improve the ROI by using advertisements over the video player on different places of the videos. Hitasoft never stops with one point solution and will keep on improving the solutions to the maximum extend. In same way, we are honored to own another world best Flash video player called HD Ripe FLV Player 1.0. We believe that the customer who is already using the Ripe FLV Player 1.2 will now need to make a move on to this new HD Player as the other customer already did. To start with, we are announcing two different great offer as Introductory offer for the Ripe HD FLV Player 1.0. Before moving to the offers, I would like to spend some time on explaining the features of existing Ripe FLV Player 1.2. Features: o No more windows media player plugin to crash the web browser and simply plug and play using Ripe FLV player 1.2. o Though it’s a new technology, it has no point when I have not got the complete access to do whatever I need to do with my video player on my own website. So, HTML5 player needs some more time. But Ripe FLV player is much flexible to do whatever you want. o It has various types of advertisements on the top of the video player and has slow motion effect to bring the feels on every frame of the videos. o No need to struggle with CSS and any other additional plugin to simply run the video, just editing the xml configuration make your website ready with high-class flash video player. o Make your customer more lazy to have everything on the video player it self, they can share the just watched video to any social media or they can email it from the video player it self. Now its time to consider the worth of a video player with these many features just in one product. When this player was introduced in late 2009, the price was $55.55 but now we are offering the same product for 26$ with almost 52% off on the original price. So what you are waiting for? It’s time to renovate your website with the Ripe FLV Player 1.2. You can reach us by any of the communication channel. Email: info@hitasoft.com Website: www.hitasoft.com Phone: +91 9751110222