Margery Eurich has the only aim - to make everyone be successful in his or her career. Almost everyone can ask the simple question - “In what way does this service can help in career?”, emphasizing that there are no rules and methods, which can be the same for everyone in career building. However the logic of the first sentence is clear and efficient. Today the career is almost one of the most important value for the modern person. There are numerous methods for stand out on a career ladder, but most of them start with a good education. Nowadays to achieve some high position in job, it is necessary to be a well-educated person with wide range of knowledge and skills. Usually to get the appropriate level of education is possible through the colleges or other institutions where writing tasks are the most popular. It is not surprising that writing is important for the career, since a good manager should be good at organising his or her thoughts and plans on the paper. The leader should be able to prove some idea with logical arguments, written in the letter or speech-paper. allows everyone to develop their writing skills in accordance to the main purpose - to get the best job. Essay writing, article and dissertation creating are the main types of tasks, which every student should cope with before his or she makes a career. Article writing, provided on the site, may teach everyone to think critically and prove some particular point of view with strong arguments and research. Writing service will provide for the student a sample of the paper, which can be an example of how to cope with paper writing successfully. The success in students writings will necessarily lead to the success during the work.