Phlebotomy: What It Takes To Be A Phlebotomist

Phlebotomists are healthcare practitioners who have undergone an intense phlebotomy training program and upon successful completion of the training, they are issued with a certification that legally allows them to carry out their work which entails conducting venipuncture procedures or to simply put it; drawing blood whether in small quantities for the purposes of carrying out tests or in large quantities for the purposes of blood transfusion or storage. Phlebotomists are professionals found in hospitals and they work hand in hand with doctors and nurses in their daily routines. They will normally be found in hospital laboratories and some refer to them as lab technicians. They are the people who will normally draw blood from patients for the reasons named above example to test whether a patient has a certain disease or to carry out blood transfusion. It is important to say that they also carry out blood tests on animals and mostly this is done for research reasons example testing a vaccine or cure on an animal having similar characteristics to humans and observing whether the medicine treatment works or not, as well as what the side effects are. Individuals who have successfully undergone phlebotomy training will be put under the observation of a doctor; they usually don't work independently treating patients. For anyone wishing to become a phlebotomist, they need to undergo the above mentioned phlebotomy training program and not from just any training school but from a fully certified Phlebotomy training school as they are commonly referred to. One of the most important reasons why it would be advisable to go to a certified Phlebotomy training school is because the school will determine how well the phlebotomy students will succeed in their healthcare careers. Attending the wrong institution may narrow down the chances of succeeding as well as advancing in the career. Two of the major benefits of training to become a phlebotomist are: It's one of the very few careers that offer job security-The need of blood tests to be undertaken will never cease. More and more blood tests are undertaken each and every day to find cures or the cause of ailment. One is assured of there always being work. It's a career opener-Phlebotomy has opened the doors of many present medical experts and still offers the same career opportunities to every other phlebotomist out there. This is because recent medical research has shown that the career offers its professionals growth capability since new medical research centers are coming up every day. Read more by visiting our website if they would like to know the salary of the phlebotomist. Company: Worldview Education Address: 4354 kedzie avenue City: Chicago Province: Illinois Country: United States Zip Code: 60601 State: Illinois Phone: 312.754.2157 Website: