
Bishop-Wisecarver Group's DualVee Vacuum Wheels Selected as Finalist in the Golden Mousetrap Awards

LogoBishop-Wisecarver Group, a WBENC-certified, woman-owned family of companies that offer guidance solutions, contract specialty manufacturing and mechatronic-based engineering services, announced today that Dualvee® Vacuum Wheels have been selected as a finalist in the 14th Annual Golden Mousetrap Awards in the Motors and Mechanical Motion Devices category. The Awards, sponsored by Design News, celebrate the companies, products and people who are energizing North American design, engineering and manufacturing. Winners in the 16 technology categories will be announced at the Golden Mousetrap Awards ceremony February 10, 2015, in Anaheim, California.

Bishop-Wisecarver Group President Selected as One of the Astra Leadership Forum Committee Representatives

LogoBishop-Wisecarver Group President Selected as one of the Astra Leadership Forum Committee Representatives