Ronald D’Arminio CPA P.C.

New Jersey Certified Public Accountant Advises Tax Planning Tips to Maximize Next Year's Tax Return

LogoAs the tax season finally comes to an end, Americans are beginning to see just how much they're getting back from, or paying into, their federal and state governments. Many business owners are surprised by how much they have to hand over when the books are closed up. Likewise, the tax return that many families rely on to bolster their savings or purchase that new TV/vacation/car seem to be getting smaller every year, with some individuals having to pay into the system unexpectedly. Ronald D'Arminio, CPA CTC, co-author of Secrets of a Tax Free Life, Surprising Write-Off Strategies Most Business Owners Miss, recommends a proactive approach to achieve a better tax outcome for next year's tax season – and for every tax season going forward.